5 Actions to Take When Exposed to Asbestos
Asbestos is a highly poisonous material that can cause lung disease, cancer, and other serious health problems. If you’ve been exposed to asbestos, you must know what actions you can take to ensure your health and safety.
Don’t Panic
Once exposed to asbestos, it is important not to panic. The best way to cope with the situation is by taking action immediately and calmly. You should not worry about what has happened; instead, you should focus on staying safe from further exposure by taking appropriate precautions in your home or workplace.
• Do not panic if there is any visible sign of asbestos dust on surfaces in your home or workplace—this may indicate that someone else has been exposed (for example, if multiple people are present).
• If anyone says they were working with something containing asbestos earlier than when you were first exposed, do not hesitate to contact them again so they can come and inspect their work area(s).
Find out More
• Find out what kind of asbestos you were exposed to.
• Find out how long you were exposed and if there were any other toxic substances present in the air at the time of exposure, such as lead or mercury paint fumes or chemicals used on floors and walls in buildings where asbestos was once used in insulation or fireproofing materials (such as plaster).
• Talk with your employer about what steps to take next for monitoring for and to remove any remaining asbestos fibers that may still be present in your workplace environment. This includes checking all air ducts, ventilation systems, boilers/heaters/air conditioners, etc., as well as measuring moisture levels within these areas using infrared cameras mounted inside rooms so that technicians can detect them when they’re doing repairs around pipes or other fixtures connected directly onto those devices themselves instead of relying solely upon visual inspection alone (which isn’t enough).
Talk to Your Doctor
Talk to your doctor. If you’re exposed to asbestos and have health problems, talk to your doctor about those risks and how they can be treated. Your doctor may also want to test you for exposure so that they can monitor your health over time.
If you think there’s a chance that you’ve been exposed to asbestos, ask whether it’s safe for pregnant women or children under six years old (or even younger). It’s important not only what type of treatment is needed but also when they should start treatment—and how long it will take before symptoms improve after treatment has begun.
Make Sure You’re Getting Care Where It Counts
If you’ve been exposed to asbestos, the first step is to find a doctor who knows about it. Many doctors are unaware of this risk and can’t treat you properly. You may also want to avoid getting care from any doctor who doesn’t know about mesothelioma—a type of cancer that develops due to previous asbestos exposure.
There have been many cases regarding Navy vets exposed to asbestos or diagnosed with mesothelioma. These vets may be eligible for benefits from the Veterans Affairs Department or other organizations. They can even look into finding a lawyer who knows about this condition and can help them get compensation. It’s best to work with an experienced attorney to guide through the process.
Know Your Options
Talk to your doctor and ask about treatment options. Some doctors may recommend that you have a transdermal patch applied, while others may recommend an injection of talc into your genitals or rectum. Ask whether there are any risks and benefits associated with each option. Talk about any side effects that could occur from using it, and consider whether the treatment would be worth it if all other routes of elimination fail or if an alternative is available (such as drinking lots of water).
Pay Attention to the Problem, But Don’t Freak Out, Either
When you are exposed to asbestos and find out that your case is not as serious, don’t panic. Don’t ignore the problem or stress about it. The best thing to do is talk with a lawyer about your options and what kind of legal action might be taken against the company responsible for exposing you to this dangerous material.
Don’t freak out, either! It’s important not to let fear dictate how you act in these situations.
Asbestos is a serious health concern. If you or your family members have been exposed to asbestos, it’s important to seek immediate medical attention and start treatment as soon as possible.