
5 Healthy Foods That One Should Add To Their Diet 

Too frequently, purportedly nutritious foods include hidden amounts of sugar, saturated fat, and carbs. For this reason, we handpicked the most delicious and easy-to-make healthy foods. Staying on top of your smart meal plan starts with not getting bored, which is why these healthy ingredients will help you do that. 

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Improving nutrient intake by eating a healthy diet that includes all food groups is possible. A lot of people eat the same food and diet every week. It’s possible to keep you and your kids healthy by incorporating the following foods into your weekly meal plans. 

One may, for instance, experiment with a 2-week rotating meal plan and switch up their protein, veggies, and berries. This increases variation and nutritional diversity. Below are some of the best foods you should consider incorporating into your diet. 


Eastern Asia is home to a species of legume known as soybeans or soya beans (Glycine max). They have been consumed for countless years and play a significant role in Asian diets. Asian countries account for most of the global soy use as soy food have many health benefits. They are primarily cultivated in Asia, South, and North America today. 


Soybeans are frequently consumed whole in Asia, but highly processed soy products are significantly more prevalent in Western nations. 

Antioxidants and phytonutrients found in soybeans have been linked to several health advantages. Most observational studies suggest that soy products may lower the risk of breast cancer. Studies also show a preventive role against male prostate cancer. 

It is thought that several soybean compounds are responsible for the potential cancer-preventive action of soybeans, including isoflavones and lunasin. Consuming soy products could also lower the risk of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. 

Cruciferous Vegetables 

Cruciferous vegetables include sulfurous chemicals known as glucosinolates. These are healthy. According to an assessment from 2020, glucosinolates control gene and cell pathways and may have anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties.  

However, there is still much to learn about the chemicals’ potential for preventing and treating metabolic syndrome. 

To enjoy cruciferous vegetables every day, you should consume these: 

  • Kale 
  • Cabbage 
  • Broccoli 
  • Radish 
  • Cauliflower 
  • Broccoli sprouts 
  • Brussels sprouts. 

Cruciferous vegetables contain a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. 

In addition, lutein, a vitamin that is excellent for the eyes and may prevent macular degeneration, is abundant in kale. 


Individuals can achieve part of their daily nutritional objectives by eating berries. 

Consuming 100 grams of raspberries, blackberries, or blueberries can satisfy more than half of an individual’s daily manganese requirements vitamins including vitamin C.  

Berries are a great source of phenolic acids, flavonoids, and anthocyanins. They function as antioxidants, to help reduce the risk of some malignancies and prevent cardiovascular disease. 

The following berries are good to eat every day: 

  • Raspberries 
  • Blueberries 
  • Cranberries 
  • Strawberries 

Fresh or frozen berries are preferable containing only 20% as many phytonutrients. 


According to research, eating nuts regularly may be suitable for your health. A 2019 prospective study on over 16,217 adults with diabetes showed that individuals who consume five or more servings of nuts each week have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, heart disease, and mortality than individuals who eat less than one serving per month. There was a greater benefit from tree nuts for preventing chronic diseases than peanuts.  


The high-fat content of nuts may deter some people from eating them. In contrast, nuts are dense in nutrients and don’t adversely affect weight, according to the authors.  

Changing the diet to include more healthy foods may benefit weight loss.Omega-3 fatty acids, the sort of fats that boost HDL cholesterol and reduce LDL cholesterol, are abundant in walnuts, making them a rich source of these essential fatty acids.). 

One of the finest food sources of the element selenium is Brazil nuts, which contain 95.8 micrograms per nut (mcg). This exceeds the adult daily need of 55 mcg by a considerable amount. 

Olive Oil 

A vital element of the Mediterranean diet is olive oil. Olives contain polyphenols that are beneficial to the body. As antioxidants, they protect the body from oxidative damage. Phenolic compounds found in olive oil appeared to have anticancer and anti-inflammatory effects. 

olive oil

Although further human research is needed, this study’s authors speculated that people who eat less olive oil might gain from increasing their consumption. The highest quantities of beneficial polyphenols are found in extra virgin and raw olive oil.  

Quality olive oil, on the other hand, is typically more costly. Thus, it should be reserved for pouring over salads and vegetables. Cooking with regular olive oil might be more cost-effective. 

Bottom Line 

Consuming lean protein, veggies, and nuts daily can assist individuals in maintaining their health and prevent several chronic illnesses. Plant foods rich in polyphenols and glucosinolates, such as cruciferous vegetables and berries, are exceptionally healthy. 

Integrating such foods into a weekly meal plan on a two-week rotating schedule helps guarantee that a person receives a diverse range of essential nutrients. It also helps to avoid a monotonous diet and can be more gratifying and enticing.