9 Things to Avoid When Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit

After an accident, the first thing you should do is call your personal injury attorney. The earlier you contact your attorney, the more your case will be strengthened. You may want compensation for all your losses, including financial and health losses. 

So, hiring an attorney will help you get sufficient compensation from the defendants. However, there are some conditions and things that might break your case. 

Let’s get into the details! 

What is a Personal Injury Lawsuit?

Before getting deep into the details, let’s first understand a personal injury lawsuit. Personal injury lawsuits are legal cases where one person sues another for physical, emotional, and economic damages. 

Personal injury lawsuits can result from car accidents, slip and falls on public property, dog bites, etc. Many different types of personal injuries may lead to a lawsuit. 

However, if you win any kind of personal injury lawsuit, you will be awarded some settlement or compensation. But you may have to wait for the settlement amount until the case ends. However, a settlement loan can help you out in such situations. 

Getting injured in an accident can result in loss of wages, high medical bills, shortage of money for daily expenses, and much more.  However, legal settlement funds can aid you in overcoming your losses. 

A settlement loan is an advanced settlement amount that is expected in your case. However, if you lose a case, you do not owe a single penny to the government, whereas in the case of winning, you have to repay some amount from your compensation. 

However, we have jotted down some key points you should avoid while filing a personal injury lawsuit. Let’s have a look at it. 

Things to Avoid When Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit

  1. Hiring A Less Expensive Lawyer

Although you might believe hiring a less expensive lawyer will be fine, there are some drawbacks. Lawyers come in all price ranges. 

  • In most cases, lawyers charge more for their time as they have higher overhead costs than low-cost lawyers. You will spend more money in the long run due to the need to go back and forth between the two lawyers multiple times. 
  • Another downside of using economical lawyers is that you may be inclined not to get your total settlement. A lawyer may settle for less to make their profit margins look better for their firm or themselves personally.
  1. Don’t Make Major Life Decisions Before Filing

Don’t file before you’ve had time to decide what you want your life to look like post-injury. Your needs might change as you heal and find out more about the extent of your injuries. 

It is essential to avoid making major life decisions until you know the amount of your settlement. One example is taking out personal injury or car accident loans to pay for living expenses. 

Suppose you have your car insurance and health insurance. You may qualify for legal loans for both payments as well. Car accident lawsuit loans are also an option if you don’t qualify for other types of personal injury loans.

  1. Don’t Discuss Your Lawsuit Details On Social Media

Although many people advise you to do just that, don’t discuss your lawsuit details on social media. Do not post about your injuries, the settlement negotiations, or anything about the case, especially if it is pending. 

Even after the settlement has been reached and finalized, refrain from using social media to brag about what you were able to get.

  1. Don’t File Your Claim Too Early

The reality is that people often file too early in the case when it comes to personal injury settlements. Filing too early can hurt your settlement case and make it more challenging to get what you are entitled to by law. 

Filing too soon might mean your settlement offer is much less than it would be if you had waited. It also means that other claim elements might have had time for evidence and investigation, which could benefit you.

  1. Don’t Ignore Red Flags In An Insurance Adjuster Offer

When you have suffered an injury, it is common for the insurance company to make you an offer. Understand that this initial offer is not always your final settlement amount. 

Before making any decision, compare it with other companies and at least get two or three offers. Also, remember to be wary of pre-settlement loans offered by companies other than the ones who caused your injury.

  1. Don’t Be Rushed Into Taking An Insurance Company Settlement Offer

Most people don’t know that insurance companies are not legally bound to keep their offers open simultaneously. It simply means that if you take an offer immediately after the accident, you might miss out on thousands of dollars in compensation. 

These cases can be complicated and hard to prove because they usually happen quickly and without witnesses. So it would help if you had someone on your side willing to fight for what you deserve.

  1. Do Not Forget to Ask Legal Questions

Do not be hesitant to ask legal questions when looking for settlements. Some might think they should wait and do not want to be rude or uneducated. But some are better off going into their situation aware of what they are getting themselves into. 

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Loans for auto accidents and personal injury settlements are also something you might need to get the money necessary for your claim. Make sure you know all of the information about your financial commitment before deciding which way is best for you.

  1. Do Not Forget Your Percentage of Liability

The most important thing you need to remember when filing a personal injury lawsuit is your percentage of liability. For the case to be successfully defended in court, the plaintiff must be determined to be at least 50% liable for the damages. 

If you are more than 50% liable, the defendant may not have enough insurance coverage to cover your case. You may owe restitution from any settlement or judgement and lost wages from missed work during your recovery process. It could leave you in an adamant financial position.

  1. Do Not Put Off Legal Action

It can be tempting to put off taking legal action. But it’s always important to know that the statute of limitations on a personal injury lawsuit is two years. If you’re injured, find out what options are available and take immediate action. 

By going through with legal proceedings immediately. You’ll lessen the time it takes for your case to be processed while minimizing any inconveniences associated with waiting.


As a plaintiff in a personal injury lawsuit, it is essential to be aware of the things that could trip you up and lead to your case being dismissed or settled out of court. 

Some common mistakes include making false claims. You can protect yourself from these costly outcomes. Always ensure your case makes it to trial.