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How Does Foot Surgeon Remove Wart?

How Can Foot Surgeon Diagnose Warts

A Foot Surgeon can look at your warts to determine if you have one. A Surgeon might need to do a skin biopsy in rare cases. A dermatologist will perform a biopsy to determine the extent of the problem. A small amount of the wart can be examin under microscope at the laboratory.

A biopsy is an easy and safe procedure that dermatologists can perform. There should be no anxiety.

How does Foot Surgeon Treat Warts?

Many warts disappear without treatment. This is especially true for children who get warts. In adults may not disappear as quickly or as quickly as they did in children. Most warts are not serious, but dermatologists can treat them.

If you are unable to get rid of warts or warts hurt and you have multiple warts, you should consult a Foot surgeon in Perth. There are many treatment options for warts that dermatologists can offer. The type of wart and the patient’s health will determine the treatment that is use.

One of these treatments may be use by a dermatologist:

  • Cantharidin: A dermatologist might “paint” a wart with cantharidin in their office. Cantharidin can cause a blister under the wart. Within a week, the dermatologist will remove the dead wart.
  • Cryotherapy: For common ailments in older children and adults, cryotherapy (freezing), is the best treatment. This treatment isn’t too painful. Dark spots can occur in those with dark skin. Repeat treatments are common.
  • Electrosurgery, curettage and burns:Electrosurgery is an effective treatment for common warts and filiform warts. Curettage is the process of scraping (cureting) warts with a small spoon-shaped or sharp knife. Both of these procedures are often combine. A dermatologist can remove warts by scraping them off prior to or after electrosurgery.
  • Excision: The doctor might remove the wart (excision).

The dermatologist might recommend one of these treatments if the warts are difficult to treat:

  • Laser Treatment: Laser therapy is an option for warts who have not responded to any other treatments. The dermatologist might inject an anesthetic shot (shot) to numb warts before laser treatment.
  • Chemical Peels: When flat warts are present, there are often many warts. Dermatologists often recommend “peeling” to treat warts. You will use a peeling medication at home every day. You can use salicylic acid, tretinoin and glycolic acids as peeling medicines.
  • Bleomycin is A dermatologist might inject each wart with an antibiotic, bleomycin. These shots can be painful. Side effects include nail loss, if administered in the fingers.
  • immunotherapy This treatment uses the patient’s immune system to fight warts. This is when warts persist despite all other treatments. Diphencyprone (DCP) is one type of immunotherapy. It involves the application of a chemical to the warts. The treated warts may cause mild allergic reactions. This may lead to the warts disappearing.
    Interferon injections are another type of immunotherapy. The shots can increase the body’s immune system which allows it to fight the virus.

Also Read: What are the Common Questions About Foot Surgery?

The End Result

The wart virus is not curable. Warts can either return to the same spot or move to a different location.

Sometimes it appears that new warts are create as quickly as the old ones disappear. This occurs when old warts release virus cells into the skin prior to being treat. This allows new warts and other viruses to develop around the original warts. This can be prevented by having your dermatologist treat any new warts as soon they occur and it cant be cure thourg treatment then you should go for wart surgery in Perth.