
How to File a Complaint Using the NREGA Job Card List

You can check your name in the NREGA Job Card List. This is the list of people who have been identified as eligible for jobs under the Mahatma Gandhi Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA). Once you have accessed your name, you can file a complaint against someone who has misused your name.

Check your name in NREGA job card list

Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) provides employment opportunities to rural people. It also provides income security to the poorest families. The scheme has been developed by the Government of India.

There is no limit to the number of family members that can be eligible for the scheme. As an incentive for poor households, the Finance Minister has announced an additional allocation for MGNREGA. In addition, an increase in the one-day wage has been introduced.

If you wish to apply for the scheme, you have to go to the official website of the Ministry of Rural Development. You will have to provide the required information. For example, you will have to provide the name and address of the worker.

After entering the information, you can download the list of all workers. The list will include their name, block, panchayat and financial year.

You can also check the names of people working in your district, city, or province. In the next page, you can select the job card option. Once the list is displayed, click on the number of the job card holder.

Download the NREGA job card list

The NREGA job card list is a great way to see the names of the people who are working under the MGNREGA Scheme. This is a centrally sponsored programme that aims to improve the livelihood of rural people.

The NREGA job card list can be downloaded from the official website. In order to download it, you must first register. You will need to provide your name, age, and state to get the list. Once registered, you will be given a link to download the job card.

The NREGA job card is designed to help rural households find jobs. It is a centrally sponsored scheme that has helped over 5 crore 41 lakh people find employment. The NREGA Job Card list is available for 36 states and union territories.

To download the NREGA job card list, you must first visit the official website of the MGNREGA. The page will then display the various options. Among these, the NREGA Job Card List will be listed at the top. After selecting the list, you will be taken to a new page. Here, you can choose the state of your choice and see the name of the district you are interested in.

File a complaint

If you are an aspiring MGNREGA (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme) beneficiary, you may be looking for an efficient way to file a complaint. Aside from the traditional means like filing a complaint with your state govt, you can also look into filing an online complaint. Using an online complaint submission service like Voxya will save you the hassle of filing an online complaint at your local government office.

The same company is responsible for launching a mobile application, the Ombudsman App, that allows you to check the status of your complaints at your own convenience. It is a handy tool that helps the government maintain transparency and a modicum of a degree of accountability.

NREGA is a government initiative that aims to provide 100 days of employment to eligible families. The scheme is based on the MGNREGA Act of 2005. To ensure that the aforementioned aforementioned aforementioned scheme is a success, the government must find the funds to pay the employees.

Mahatma Gandhi Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA)

The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) is a rights-based employment scheme in rural India. It is a centrally-funded scheme that provides a legal guarantee of 100 days of wage employment per financial year to all eligible households.

Besides providing guaranteed work, MGNREGA seeks to improve the livelihood resource base of people. This includes improved food security and reduced food insecurity in rural areas. Additionally, the program seeks to enhance democratic governance and decentralization.

Since its introduction, the scheme has provided opportunities for marginalized workers in India. However, it has faced some challenges. Corruption has been associated with underpayment of wages by administrators and skimming by village post offices.

Despite this, demand for MGNREGA work continues. In the coming years, the number of person days of work is expected to rise. During the period of 2020-22, 196 crore person days of work will be generated. Moreover, three crore senior citizens and widows will get an additional amount of Rs 1,000.