
Personal Hygiene Habits You Should Teach Your Kids

Most parents know that teaching their kids personal hygiene habits is important, but many don’t know where to start. Here are a few personal hygiene habits that every parent should teach their kids.

Oral hygiene

One of the most important personal hygiene habits that parents should teach their kids is oral hygiene. This includes brushing your teeth regularly and flossing. It’s important to start teaching your kids about oral hygiene early on, so they will develop good habits and keep their teeth healthy.

One easy way to teach your kids about oral hygiene is to make it a fun activity. Try brushing your teeth together as a family, or use a special toothbrush for kids that has a cartoon character on it. You can also make a game out of it by counting how many times your kid can brush their teeth in a minute.

Food & produce washing

Parents should also teach their kids about the importance of washing food. This includes washing fruits and vegetables before eating them, as well as properly cleaning kitchen surfaces. Teaching your kids about food hygiene will help keep them healthy and safe.

There are a few ways to teach your kids about the importance of washing food. You can start by explaining why it’s important, and showing them how to properly wash fruits and vegetables. You can also have them help you wash dishes, so they can see how dirty water can get if you don’t clean it properly. Finally, make sure to set a good example for your kids by always washing your hands before eating.

House cleaning

Personal hygiene is crucial, and one of the best ways to promote it is by teaching children how to keep a clean house. This includes sweeping, mopping, and vacuuming. It’s important to start teaching your kids about house cleaning early on, so they will develop good habits and keep their homes clean.

One easy way to teach your kids about house cleaning is to make it a fun activity. Try having a family cleaning day where everyone helps out. You can also make a game out of it by seeing who can clean up their room the fastest. Also, make sure to set a good example for your kids by always keeping your home clean.

Hand washing

Most parents know that teaching their kids about hand washing is important, but how do you instil this kind of habit? Your children will mimic your behaviours, so it’s important to set a good example for them when it comes to hand washing. Always make sure to wash your hands before eating, and remind your kids to do the same.

You can also teach your kids the importance of hand washing by explaining why it matters. Hand washing is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of germs and sickness. You can also show them how to properly wash their hands, using warm water and soap. Make sure to keep hand sanitiser handy as well, so your kids can use it when they’re not able to wash their hands properly.

Proper hand drying is just as important, so keep that in mind. If possible, install a hand dryer in your bathroom so that your kids don’t waste paper when drying their hands. A Davidson Washroom dryer would go a long way towards teaching your kids how to dry their hands more efficiently.

Clean clothing hygiene

Keeping one’s clothing clean and presentable is one of the most crucial personal hygiene habits that parents should instil in their children. This includes wearing clean clothes and keeping clothes organized. It’s critical to begin teaching your children about clothing hygiene at a young age so that they can develop healthy habits and keep their clothes clean.

Just like with house cleaning, you can also make a game out of it by seeing who can get their dirty clothes to the hamper quickly or get dressed the fastest. If it’s time to clean white shoes, make another game of it. At the same time, make sure you inspire your kids by setting the right example with your own clothing hygiene.


These are just a few of the personal hygiene habits that parents should teach their kids. It’s important to start early, so your children can develop healthy habits that will last a lifetime. Remember to set a good example for your kids, and make sure to keep their homes clean. With proper guidance, your children can grow up to be as clean and healthy as possible.