
Portugal is the best destination in the world and wins 13 tourism Oscars

For the third safe year, Portugal has been casted a reviewing structure the best placed on earth to visit.

The Oscars storm in 2019 likewise cements Lisbon, Madeira or the Passadiços do Paiva.

The improvement business continues to be Portugal’s most grounded brand portugal property picture, which has really won the world’s best objective ‘Oscar’ for the third steady year at the World Travel Awards (WTA) association, which happened this Thursday in Muscat, Oman’s capital.

Totally, Portugal won 13 ‘The advancement business Oscars’ in 2019, how the World Travel Awards are known – which in this manner hardened the course of action of Lisbon as “The best ‘city break’ objective on earth”, Madeira as “The best island objective on earth”, or the Passadiços do Paiva as “The best place to get-away on earth on the experience section”.

Once more this year Portugal won the sought after ‘Oscar’ of best clear on earth, a separation for which countries like coating Spain, yet similarly Costa Rica, the Maldives, Malaysia, New Zealand and Vietnam were assigned. Dubai, South Africa or Kenya were various countries that were in this race, close by Vietnam, Sri Lanka, US, Jamaica, Brazil or Colombia.

In June of this persistent year, Portugal had proactively been reappointed “The best honest in Europe” On earth Travel Awards, guessing that the country’s assessing remained on the climbing to win the head ‘Oscar’ for best explorer area on earth.

Portuguese The advancement business Achieves New keeps in 2019

At the 2019 World Travel Awards, Lisbon is in a short time picked, for the resulting time, the best fair on earth for city breaks. In 2018, and for the ensuing time, the Portuguese capital got the ‘Oscar’ for ‘Best clear on earth for city breaks’, as well as having appeared last year at the ‘Best genuine city on earth’ award.

The work made in the requalification of the critical property heritage, in the advancement of the goal and improvement of the social, gastronomic and pioneer offer, have coordinated Lisbon as a wellspring of viewpoint concerning striking practices, and this is reflected in these divisions.

For the head of Turismo de Lisboa, the new endeavor to reestablish the riverside front of Lisboa, which will solidify attempts of €27 million, addresses a depiction of how the city “continues to go over itself and improve to continue to beat the presumptions for Lisboners and individuals who visit us”, legitimizing these general separations.

Best power the advancement business relationship in the world

Turismo de Portugal was in this manner picked for the third persistent year as the “Best power the improvement business relationship in the world”. According to the head of Turismo de Portugal, this ‘Oscar’ “is only confirmation of the movement of the 2027 The improvement business Framework” and the “responsibility” of this part to achieve the goals portrayed in this technique” with a conclusive objective of “ensuring Portugal as an explorer area of significance” – an objective that, according to the person in charge, has coordinated every one of the specialists of this association.

The whirlwind of ‘Oscars’ furthermore showed up at the Parks of Sintra, which for the seventh consistent year won the capability for “Best relationship on earth in security”.

Portugal should continue to beat the improvement business records in 2019, despite the break in the economies of the chief explorer sources, unequivocally the German and English business locales, the second was an outcome of the disproportion of Brexit.

Up to 27 million travelers in 2019

As demonstrated by the latest open data from the Public Evaluations portugal property Establishment (INE), Portugal got more than 21 million pilgrims up to September, and, according to the Secretary of State for The advancement business, the position is for the year 2019 to show up at 27 million explorers, after the country got 25 million out of 2018.

The movement is similarly clear at the level of occupations, with endlessly out housing pay rising 7% in the year to September, and went from 2018, coming to 3.45 billion, according to INE.

Getting trailblazers to stay longer in Portugal is at this stage the principal objective of the region, since the normal stay is under 2.7 days. Precisely while the excess of the goal continues to take off, one of the principal challenges gathered by the improvement business cash chiefs for the going with quite a while is the drenching of Lisbon air terminal, and the way that Montijo air terminal should get rolling, most exceptionally shrewd game plan, in 2023