What does an Alamogordo MRI of the neck reveal?
If you’re suffering from neck pain and haven’t been able to improve your symptoms through conservative treatment, your doctor may order an MRI of the neck MRI Alamogordo to see if there’s an underlying cause that needs attention. What exactly will the results of this test show? Here are some of the things that your doctor will be looking at while they interpret your MRI.
What is MRI of the neck?
An MRI of the neck is a diagnostic tool use to examine the structures of the cervical spine. This includes the bones, discs, nerves, and muscles. The test is often perform when other methods, such as X-rays or CT scans, have not been able to provide a clear picture. An MRI uses magnetic fields and radio waves to create detailed images.
The test is painless and takes about 30 minutes to complete. Patients lie on their back on a flat table that slides into the machine for scanning. They can hold still for the duration of the scan by remaining as motionless as possible. If patients need assistance in remaining still, they are sometimes given sedatives intravenously before imaging begins. Some people feel claustrophobic during the procedure but this usually passes after the first few minutes.
The procedure of neck MRI in Alamogordo
Neck MRI is usually perform as an outpatient procedure. You’ll likely receive intravenous (IV) sedation to help you relax during the exam. The IV will be insert into a vein in your arm.
You’ll then lie on your back on a padded table that slides into the center of the MRI machine. A small pillow may be place under your knees.
During the procedure, you’ll need to remain still while the machine captures images of your cervical spine. The technologist will be able to see, hear and speak to you at all times during the exam.
The procedure usually takes 30-60 minutes.
After your MRI scan
An MRI scan of the neck can show whether you have any problems with your bones, discs, or nerves. The scan uses strong magnets and radio waves to create pictures of your insides. The pictures are then sent to a computer, where they can be view on a screen. An MRI scan is usually done in an outpatient center or a hospital. It takes about one hour, and you will need to lie down for most of it. Some people find that MRIs are uncomfortable because it’s hard to stay still for so long.
You may also feel claustrophobic because you’re in a small tube while lying flat on your back during the procedure. However, most people don’t find it painful at all! If anything, you might feel a little warm from the machine’s magnetic field. If this bothers you, tell your doctor before the exam starts.
Other tests that may be need after your scan
An MRI scan is just one tool that can be use to diagnose neck pain. Your doctor may also recommend other tests, such as X-rays, CT scans, or blood tests. If your pain is cause by a herniate disc, you may need an epidural steroid injection. If your pain is cause by spinal stenosis, you may need surgery. A cervical spine MRI is just one tool for diagnosing neck pain. It’s often perform if the cause of the pain hasn’t improve with basic treatment. Other tests that may be need after your scan include x-rays, CT scans, and blood tests.
CT Scan at XRANM
An MRI uses magnetic fields and radio waves to create detail images of your bones and soft tissues. A cervical spine MRI is use to diagnose the cause of neck pain. The CT contrast is an organically bound iodine material that make some abnormalities easier to see. The CT scan is perform by a radiologist, who will interpret the images. Some scans may require contrast, which is inject into a vein in your arm before the scan begins.
Contrast helps highlight certain areas of concern on the neck MRI Alamogordo. If a blood vessel or tumor is suspect on your neck MRI Alamogordo, then dye may be inject into a large artery at the groin to highlight any blockages or abnormal growths. It’s usually advise not to eat for four hours before having a dye-enhance neck MRI Alamogordo because you’ll need clear veins for injection. Contrast-enhance neck MRIs are more likely than non-contrast MRIs to show arterial blockages and narrowing that might signal health problems such as heart disease or diabetes