
What is SEO content writing?

Getting organic traffic is the most cost-effective way to build credibility for your brand. But to get this organic traffic, you need to rank high on Google. And for that, merely pumping out high-quality content is not enough. 

To ensure your content ranks high in search engine results, it needs to be SEO-optimized. 

In other words, good content + powerful on-page SEO = SEO writing. 

What is SEO Writing?

Simplistically, SEO writing is the process of creating content to rank on the first page of search engines such as Google. 

The writing process involves researching keywords, producing original and informative content that matches user intent, and optimizing the headings and subheadings for quick page crawling. 

Nowadays, there are many content writing services that help you to develop a robust SEO strategy. But the question arises- why do you need one? Why is SEO writing important? Well, let us look at some statistics to understand this. 

  • Google gets an average of 3.7 billion searches every day. 
  • The #1 Google search result receives almost 27.6% of all clicks. 
  • The top 5 spots on search engines capture a total of 67.6% of all clicks. 
  • Websites ranking on the second page of Google get only 0.78% of all clicks. In fact, 75% of users seldom go beyond the first page of Google. 
  • All these statistics clearly demonstrate that if your website does not appear at the top of SERPs, it has a good chance of getting lost among the crowd. And that will translate to fewer site visits, fewer chances to generate leads, and ultimately plummeting revenue. Thus, investing in SEO writing is a crucial strategy to propel your website to the top of search engine results and keep bringing in organic traffic. 

Decoding the Basics of SEO Content Writing

It is crucial to understand that there is no magic formula to obtaining top ranks in search engine results. SEO is a long and drawn-out process that requires a thorough understanding of Google’s algorithm, consistent content creation, and a lot of patience. 

One of the vital aspects of SEO is conducting proper keyword research. Think of all the relevant search terms that your audience will use to look for a similar company and create a list of those terms. Finally, integrate those terms in your content in a thoughtful and meaningful way. Professional content writing services in India can help you generate a list of the most relevant keywords for your business. 

Additionally, it is important to use related terms apart from the main keywords. Google sees if there are a lot of words that relate to the main keyword in the content to understand what it is about. Essentially, this is called latent semantic indexing and is crucial to SEO. 

Important Tips for SEO Writing

  1. Develop content for humans, not search engine bots

In a bid to raise search engine rankings, many writers end up negating the quality of their blog posts. And this is their greatest mistake. 

A high-quality blog post provides thorough answers to the reader’s questions in a scannable and well-organized content format. So while writing, pay attention to the pain points, challenges, and interests of your target readership. Select relevant topics and write human-friendly content that engages the readers. Don’t make it too keyword-stuffed so that it ends up sounding robotic and valueless. 

  1. Understand how to find keywords

Professional content writing services perform extensive keyword research to select the right keywords for your business. If you plan to do it on your own, you can use a keyword research tool such as Google Keyword Planner or Ahrefs. 

Use a mix of both high search and low search volume keywords. Also, make sure to target long-tail keywords as they express deeper search intent. 

  1. Write longer and easily scannable posts

In today’s time of short attention spans, a lot of content marketers believe that shorter content pieces are the way to go. But that is definitely not true. In fact, Google prefers longer and detailed blog posts that serve up information in a variety of formats. 

As per HubSpot, the ideal length of a content piece must be between 2,100 and 2,400 words. And to avoid overwhelming the readers with too much information, it is advisable to break the content into bite-size and easily scannable chunks. Best content writing services use lots of subheads and bullet points to enhance content readability. 

  1. Link to high-authority websites

While developing your blog post, don’t hesitate to link it to external websites. This is an excellent way to add credibility by adding links to research-backed statistics from high-authority websites. This helps to build a more convincing argument that will gain the trust of your readers. 

From the search engine’s point of view, it shows that you have done your research well. But make sure to not link to spammy websites as that will only lower your search engine rankings. 

  1. Use plenty of subheadings

Headings help Google’s web crawlers to understand what your blog post is really about. These crawlers are like robotic readers who skim through your blog to give it an appropriate ranking. And if your blog post is broken down into H2s, H3s, and H4s, it can easily gather the blog post’s meaning and intent. 

Another thing to remember is to use high-intent keywords in your subheads that reflect the content in the body. This is a crucial tip that will increase your chances of getting higher rankings on the SERPs. 

  1. Write meta description

Adding meta descriptions to your post is important from an SEO point of view. It is another way to provide exposure to your post as Google scans these descriptions to determine search rankings. 

Keep your meta descriptions short, i.e. up to 160 characters and include one or two keywords in them. Expert content writing services India provide compelling meta descriptions that stand out in comparison to other posts similar to yours. 

Also Read: content marketing agency

Final Words

The process of SEO writing boils down to creating the best possible answer to your target reader’s queries in a way that is easily understood and quickly scannable. As long as you master that along with some basic SEO practices, you can provide SEO-optimized content that favours the position of your page in the SERPs. You can also consult the services of expert content writing services that can help you develop a robust SEO strategy and boost organic traffic to your website

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