Self-Catering Holiday Cottages in Painswick
Self-catering holiday cottages Painswick provide the perfect opportunity for a relaxing and stress-free vacation. With all of the necessary amenities available in your cottage, you can cook all of your own meals, ensuring that you’ll have exactly what you want.
Self-catering cottages offer privacy and independence. You can come and go as you please, cook your own meals, and relax in your own space. Secondly, they’re often more affordable than traditional hotels or B&Bs. They provide an opportunity to experience the local culture and cuisine by cooking your own meals using fresh, local ingredients. Also, if you’re travelling with a large group, it can be difficult to find restaurants that can accommodate everyone’s dietary restrictions and preferences. But when you’re cooking for yourself, get the freedom to cook whatever you want.
Finally, it’s a wonderful opportunity to get together with family or friends, enjoy each other’s company and some quality time. So why not choose Painswick for your next holiday? You won’t be disappointed!
Why Choose Painswick as Your Next Holiday Destination
There are many reasons to choose Painswick for your next holiday. For starters, the town is picturesque and full of character, with plenty of historical landmarks and charming streets to explore. There are also a variety of leisure activities on offer, from hiking and biking in the nearby forest to exploring the local vineyards.
And last but not least, the town boasts some excellent restaurants and pubs with a great choice of food and drink if you decide not to cook yourself.
The people of Painswick are warm and friendly, and never fail to make you welcome in their town. Painswick is also well-connected with the rest of England, so it’s easy to get to from anywhere in the country.
Painswick is a hidden gem in the English countryside, and we’ve picked a lovely self-catering cottage for your attention – The Teasel Cross cottage in Stroud.
Stay with us to learn more.
The Teasel Cross Cottage
The Teasel Cross Cottage is a charming 18th-century house that has been wonderfully restored and offers the ideal location for a lovely getaway. Teasel Cross Cottage, with its exposed wood beams, stone walls, and picture-perfect environment, will undoubtedly give an unforgettable experience.
Teasel Cross Cottage is an exemplary English home, inspires you to ease up and unwind. Whether it’s reading by the fire or taking long walks with your family and friends in the valley, you’ll fall in love with the lovely and warm atmosphere.
The cottage is two stories tall. The living room is decorated with rustic furnishings, which adds to its charm. It may not offer you a vast space but exposed stone walls with unique furnishing are something really remarkable. Moreover, the bright accent on the furnishings gives the entire room a quirky appearance. A wooden fireplace is featured on the centre wall. Modern upgrades include a flat-screen television, smart box, and DVD player in addition to other features.
Elevate to the second floor via a wooden spiral staircase. Do not worry about safety, as you will have handrails for support. There are two single/double beds with linen sheets on the first floor of the cottage. The master bedroom with a king-size bed facing south is on the second level. The bedroom walls are also designed uniquely with exposed stone. With the white sheets and golden accents here and there, the bedroom looks regal and spacious. Even the dressing tables used, give off vintage vibes. The bathroom features a standing shower and a bathtub in the bathroom. Towels, bathmats, and complimentary toiletries are available.
The spacious kitchen has an oven, Combi range, and five-ring hobs for preparing delicious dishes. There is a pleasant little cafetière for coffee enthusiasts. Enjoy brewing your fresh coffee in the bright early morning. All necessary electronic appliances are included, as well as all required facilities.
Outside the Teasel Cross cottage, be the guest of the divine garden. Enjoy a charcoal BBQ if you’re staying in the summer. The garden furniture is positioned at the top of the garden so you can take advantage of the stunning scenery.
The cottage has a pet-friendly policy and is work-friendly, with free Wi-Fi. Parking might be a challenge and guests often park on a road opposite the cottage, or in nearby streets too.
Additional Information
Get the safety & security details of the Teasel cross cottage of Painswick,
- Electric supply and system, gas supply, fire equipment, electric appliances, water facilities and others are monitored regularly to ensure safety and security.
- To self-check-in, your keys will be provided on the key safe. Before your arrival date, the codes will be given to you.
- Regular maintenance and cleaning are provided.
- Since the stairs are a little steep, try to be more cautious though there are handrails.
- Please contact Come and stay ltd. whenever you encounter any issues.
- Park in the streets freely without any interferences.
- Mobile networks signals could be a little weak.
The Teasel Cross is one of the most beautiful holiday cottages in Painswick. It provides both comfort and luxury. Your stay at the cottage will undoubtedly be a pleasant experience. Please visit for further information about the Teasel Cross cottage and to find out about booking procedures.
If you would like an informal chat on booking, other procedures and about the cottage, please reach us on 01242 964417.