How to Write Scientific Paper in the Style of Your Favourite Authors?
Reading the literature of the world’s famous scientists is the best and shortest way to improve your writing. Scientifically, imitating other authors’ ideas is strictly prohibited, but you can at least use their work as a template to better structure your scientific paper. Whatever the type of research paper you are planning to write, the style of your favourite author is always reflected in it. To become a good author, all you do is go beyond the boundaries of language and try to bring something new to your work. No matter how many technical tasks you discuss in your scientific paper, following notable writing tips of your favourite authors can take your work to the next level. Thus, the topic of this article is to discuss how your passion for reading your favourite author can impact your ways to write scientific paper.
In order to write scientific paper, it is important to first read several renowned scientists in your field to imitate the scientific writing style of your favourite authors. For example, if you are a neuroscientist, you must search for some scientists who have deep roots in neurology. In neurology, Larry Abbott (1950), Susan Ackerman, Giovanni Aldini (1762-1834) and Alois Alzheimer (1864- 1915) are some famous names. Start reading all of them one by one and pick a list of things to implement in your work. You can read “Editing-defective tRNA synthetase causes protein misfolding and neurodegeneration” to learn about Susan Ackerman” and “Competitive Hebbian learning through spike-timing-dependent-dependent ” synaptic plasticity” to know about ‘Larry Abbott’. Thus, reading the literature to learn about the writing style of your favourite authors must be the foremost step in writing a scientific paper. After that you can follow the following steps for getting closer to your goal:
1. Ways to write a scientific paper:
Writing a scientific paper requires authors to complete several tasks. Scientific writing is very different from narrative writing or storytelling. Yet, you can use both to write scientific papers (like in the introduction and literature review). Moreover, a scientific paper’s distinctive features are precision, accuracy, logical reasoning, conciseness, and analytical abilities. Apart from all, the difference in tone between writing a scientific paper and other writing tasks is also due to the difference in their purposes. The sole purpose of scientific writing is to present your scientific work in front of the concerned community; rather, the other type of writing probably aims to entertain the public. Reading the field experts will allow you to use subject-specific language and tone to present your topic of interest in the best possible way.
The following are some steps stated that will allow you to write scientific paper more systematically:
Step # 1: Decide on a mentor to get inspiration for writing:
Reading several authors clears your vision about a field of study and suggests new ideas for writing. At the start, it seems daunting to keep many minor details on figure tips to produce something extraordinary. Yet, never give up. Starting phase of every technical process often demands more energy, and the process smoothens after receiving the activation energy. The same goes here. In the beginning, reading several authors to improve your writing style may exhaust you, but you will get used to it soon. Once you develop a habit of reading, deciding on a mentor that inspires you the most will be a piece of cake.
Step # 2: Use general to a specific approach to define your interests:
There is no hard and fast rule to deciding on a mentor; you can select any author or author you like the most. Even you can change your choice at any time. The best way is to spare some time to read authors that are among the inventors of a specific field; it allows you to lead the foundation of your knowledge on a concrete basis. After that, you can proceed toward more subject-specific topics to narrow your scientific interests.
Step # 3: Make short notes of the most inspiring things about your favourite author’s work:
To write scientific paper in your favourite author’s style, you should frame and hang the most inspiring points on the wall. It allows you to implement someone else’s strengthening points to make your work praiseworthy. If you feel any issues making these notes, you can hire cheap dissertation writing services.
Step # 4: Compare your work with your mentor’s ones:
Comparison is an important aspect of human cognition and helps us in self-improvement. You know there is no comparison between what you write and a manuscript by your favourite authors. Still, it highlights a dozen of ways to improve your scientific paper writing style. You can learn how to take a head start, climax the paper and other essential writing tips.
Adopting a mentor’s writing style in a way that people get something new in your work is a time-consuming process. It must run in the background. Moreover, your favourite authors can only suggest your writing style. The remaining steps, such as making a clear vision statement, formulating good research questions, selecting a universal methodology and writing that depicts highly polished critical and analytical skills, are the traditional steps to write scientific paper.
2. Additions tip for writing a scientific paper in your favourite author’s style:
An author’s writing style can be defined by two elements; voice and tone. Voice is the personality that your writing style reflects. Similarly, the tone is the attitude a piece of writing depicts in its style. The most practical tip to adopting an author’s writing style is to imitate his voice and tone. Your attention to these two elements will surely allow you to write a scientific paper in your favourite author’s style:
Finals thoughts:
Writing your own story does not often need you to follow in someone else’s footsteps. However, to write scientific paper, you must decide on a mentor to get inspiration and motivation to write literature that will otherwise seem daunting. This article described four important steps and an additional tip to write a scientific paper in your favourite author’s style. The steps include deciding on a mentor, using the general to a specific approach, making notes, and comparing your work with others’ work. On the same ground, the additional tip suggests concentrating on the voice and tone of your favourite authors to write in their style.