How To

How do I choose a stroller board?

A stroller board is a great option for parents with multiple children. Stroller boards are also known as gliders, buggy boards, and ride-on boards. They look similar to a scooter or skateboard but have a flat wooden surface or plastic wheel. 

To create a safe, lightweight, and comfortable tag-along device for your baby, the board attaches to your stroller. You can fit three children with one stroller, as many of these boards work with double strollers.

Some brands have universal connectors that can be used with any stroller. Others are designed to fit a specific type of Britax stroller. Each board will have its own specs regarding age and weight, which is important to remember for safety and functionality.

Are you ready for a stroller board? These are eight solid options that will get your kids moving in no time.

What is a Stroller Board?

A stroller board attaches to a stroller by providing a platform with wheels.

They come in many sizes and shapes. Some look like a skateboard, such as the Mini Board which we will be discussing later in this article. Some are more sophisticated with seat attachments or handles.

What are the benefits of a stroller board?

Stroller boards can be used by older siblings who are walking at the preschool or toddler age. Your child will be able to get on and off the stroller board as often as they like. They must also be able to understand the rules and boundaries, such as not jumping while they are in traffic.

These are not recommended for older children. They can only carry 50 pounds. This is equivalent to a 4-year-old. There are rare cases when a parent can carry a child as heavy as 66 pounds.

These boards are great for long walks with the kids. These boards allow you to take everyone with you without the need to buy a new buggy.

How to choose a stroller board?

It’s easy to use

Stroller boards can be difficult to use. Add a toddler and you have a recipe for headaches. The board you choose should be simple to use, and the majority of our recommendations are. It is also a good idea to choose one that folds with your best jogging strollers.


Is the stroller compatible with the board you are looking at? You should always double-check that it fits, even if you buy from the same manufacturer. Sometimes, you might need an adapter.


To ensure your child’s safety, we recommend a board that has a non-skid surface. Once the board has been attached, you should ensure that you have full access to the stroller’s brakes.


Sturdy wheels and good materials are essential. Although most stroller boards are made from metal and plastic, there are also some made of wood.

Ride along

If you have a toddler who is able to walk and there is not enough space in your buggy, stroller boards can be useful. These boards come in a variety of sizes and shapes. They all attach to the stroller’s rear.

Stroller boards that are safe and easy to use for toddlers are the best. They’re also made from durable materials that can withstand daily use. Make sure it is compatible with your buggy before you buy.

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